5 Ways Teaching English in China Makes YOU More Employable

Hands on experience 

Many jobs now need hands on experience in a working environment; every graduate is aware of the “need experience to get experience” issue when it comes to employability. As long as you have a degree, teaching English as a foreign language in China allows you to get that much-needed work experience and a qualification with no catch.

Learn languages 

The demand for bilingual Mandarin-English speakers is ever increasing within business, and teaching English in China means that there is no need to pay for expensive language courses. You can get paid to learn a new language while teaching.

Make your CV interesting 

Today there is an increasing need to make your CV stand out from the masses, and what better way than to have a year of work experience in a foreign country. You will have great examples of teamwork, communication and many amazing new skills.

Work with people 

“Give an example of a time when you have worked effectively with people from different backgrounds and cultures.” is a typical interview question. Jobs in medicine, law and teaching all require you show future employers that you can work together with people from different backgrounds. Teaching TEFL gives you a solid example of when you have integrated and adapted to a new culture and community, a sure fire way to impress a future employer.

Makes you a more complex thinker 

In 2014, a longitudinal study found that multicultural engagement through a 10-month placement working abroad during an MBA qualification made students more complex thinkers, and this directly affected their employability rates, with the level of cultural immersement predicting the number of job offers they received after the program, you can check out the study here http://bit.ly/2fQ2UXs.

Check out www.nooneliterecruitment.com/teach-english-in-china for application information!

Interested in working in China and want to find out more? Our UK agency ensures that schools are up to top standard and provides an additional layer of protection and reassurance when negotiating issues with your Chinese school. To find out the latest vetted and quality assessed top providers in China check out nooneliterecruitment.com/teach-english-in-china.  

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