This site is by China TEFL teachers for China TEFL teachers. We have built this site to provide everything you want, need and didn’t know about living and teaching in China. Here’s a few ways our site may help you:
School reviews
Are you suspicious about the information a school has told you about their company? Do you want a first hand feel of what a school is actually going to be like? Then you can check out our school reviews to find out teachers first hand experiences at your school.
TEFL courses
Need a TEFL course? Our TEFL course board and blog posts provide a look into the large choice of TEFL courses suitable for Teaching English in China. You can also find reviews of TEFL providers in our reviews database.
Find a job Teaching in China
If you are interested in working in China but don’t know how to find the best position for you, our parent agency Noon Elite Recruitment provides a complete and free service to candidates to find you the perfect quality assured position in China. You can also check out our Teach English in China info guide and our guide to the application process for Teaching English in China.
Post a blog about your time in China
Interested in getting your word out there and telling people what your school was actually like? We welcome other China TEFL teachers to join our community and write posts about your schools. You can signup to write a review or any other kind of related article here.
Our Site is ran by a community of current and ex China TEFL teachers. We hope you enjoy using the site as much as we do working on it and if you have any comments or suggestions for more stuff you want to see you can let us know through the contact us page here.
ChinaTEFLer; Someone Teaching English as a Foreign Language in China