TEFL Schools and Reviews

Our database of TEFL schools and reviews provides first hand insight to the lives of teachers in China complete with reviews and comments from people who have worked there in the past. Inspired in response to the frightening number of fake reviews of Chinese schools posted online. Our reviews are aimed at providing detailed, quality reviews from real teachers with ample facts, evidence and pictures. Aimed at giving people a look into the school before they choose to teach there! This page provides a short list of the most recently posted school reviews.

If you are looking for a school in particular then you can search for it using the search icon on the right hand side of the site. Many schools have multiple branches in different Chinese cities so it may help to read a range of reviews on your potential employer to get a complete feel for what they offer.

Palfish- A great experience from Teacher Sav

What was the name of your online company? PalFish   What were the working hours like? Available teaching hours are from 6am to midnight 7 days a week. Prime or peak  teaching hours are from 5:30-9pm BJT on weekdays and 9am-9pm BJT on weekends. I have always been able to be booked until about 11pm on any given day and on weekdays usually I can get bookings starting at 2-3pm on weekdays and kids often want to take classes from 7-9am before they go to school as well.   How did you feel the company treated you? -like a person…

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A Bad experience with Palfish

The Classes I started working for Palfish over a year ago- The classes are unpredictable to start with and the students can cancel at the last minute or even not show up at all!  It can be very disheartening. I have yet to hear many people doing well on it. It can give great confidence to new teachers however to get infront of the camera, it’s easy to use as you can use your smart phone so its handy for travel and can work from anywhere. The Pay The pay is very low however and almost impossible to reach level 5…

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VIPKid Desktop


VIPKid Company VIPkid has been changing the Chinese ESL landscape since 2013 with their comprehensive virtual learning environment (VLE).  Working as a contractor on their platform has been a large improvement over working for other, physical training centers in mainland China.  They offer self-managed working hours, 65,000 teachers teaching 500,000+ Chinese kids, and a platform designed to make the nitty-gritty of scheduling classes and managing the paperwork as easy as possible for both the teacher and the company. There are no obstacles to teaching as many classes as a teacher wishes to schedule, between 7:30PM and 8:00AM EST (8:30AM and…

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The Desktop Application, where all teaching is done

DaDa ABC, a review of my time with them.

My time working  for DaDa ABC I have been working for DaDaABC since 2018, and I’ve worked about six hours a week for them since I started. It can be quite difficult to work more than three hours in a single day as all of their students are school-age children. Sometimes a student will request classes outside of that three-hour window, but this is rare and has not happened to me personally. The company treats its teachers well. Onboarding is a constant struggle for them, as they are constantly hiring new teachers. Because of this, they tend to prioritize new…

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