Chinese Places

My time working at Aston English in Xiangyang

Overall, I would highly recommend anyone to travel and work in China. After meeting many travellers in China, myself the true difference between travelling and working is the true levels of integration. From my personal view you cannot truly integrate yourself into the Chinese culture unless you live there for a longer period. From my experience the more you integrate the more you find yourself in true awe of how amazing the people and the culture of China really is. China is not a country that exposes its true self straight away, you must understand it before you can truly…

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6 months of being a teacher at E-Plus Education in Beijing

Living in China for 6 months has been nothing short of a roller coaster of emotions but one that has definitely had many more ups than downs. The same goes for teaching, which to my surprise is a lot more fun and enjoyable than I originally expected! Like many other foreigners who apply to become an English teacher in China, I had zero experience of teaching prior to this. Except for a few football lessons for a BTEC Sport course, but that doesn’t count. I had no idea what I was getting myself into or if I would be any…

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British Brown Man in China- One year on

Fast. The one word that describes how quickly time has flown by. It has been an entire year now and I have lived to tell the tale – for now. I would say one year was an entire introduction on China and yes, many people will have completely different sorts of experiences, that is the beauty of it all. The character building and the incredible social life that starts to develop is something not many other types of experiences allow for you to have. Also a more open minded worldly approach to life is something that I had noticed develop…

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From Plymouth to Beijing

The daunting thought of moving out from the comforts of home where my mother is still doing all the cooking and laundry at the age of 22 is something that is hard to get away from. So, why not go to the extreme and move to China! Having that urge of wanting to go to a land far away, a better time than any had occurred after my time as a university student had concluded and adulthood awaited me. Brought to me the opportunity of a lifetime to move to one of the biggest and famous cities in the world…

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